Solomon was the son and successor of King David. He reigned around 950
years before the birth of Jesus.
SOLOMON IS CONSECRATED KING. Solomon was born in Jerusalem and his
mother was Bathsheba. Though younger
than some of his brothers, David chose him to be the next king. At David's
command, Solomon was placed on the king's mule and led to the spring Gihon by
the priest Zadok and the prophet Nathan. A horn was blown and the cry went out
"Long live King Solomon." After his return to the king's palace,
Solomon sat on the king's throne and began to rule in the place of David.
SOLOMON'S DREAM. One night God appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked
him to request a gift and God would give it to him. He asked God for an
understanding heart to judge the people justly and to distinguish right from
wrong. God was very pleased with this request and granted him this gift. God
was very happy that Solomon did not ask for a long life for himself, for
riches, or for the life of his enemies. He became known for his great wisdom.
SOLOMON BUILT THE JERUSALEM TEMPLE. Solomon planned to build the temple
in Jerusalem and hired skilled works to do the work. When completed, the Ark of
the Covenant which contained the Ten Commandments and was a symbol of God's
presence was placed in the temple as its permanent resting place. This temple
became the center of the peoples' religious life.
Solomon became king after the death of his father King David. God
blessed him with great wisdom and wealth. He built the temple in Jerusalem.