Sunday, March 27, 2022

Video People of the Bible (28) Daniel


28.        DANIEL 

In the book of Daniel, which was written 165 years before the birth of Jesus, Daniel was the main character. It was written by an unknown author during a bitter persecution to comfort the Jewish people.


DANIEL. Four Jewish youth were to be trained for three years and then serve the Babylonian king. They were to eat food from the king's table. Daniel requested they not eat that food fearing it may have been offered to pagan gods. He asked that they only eat vegetables and drink water. The officer in charge at first refused this request fearing the youth might become sick. Daniel persuaded him which resulted in that the four Jewish youth turned out stronger than the other youth in training.


DANIEL IN THE LIONS DEN. Daniel's enemies persuaded the king to sign a decree that anyone who prayed to their god within thirty days would be thrown into the lions den. When Daniel was found praying to his God, the king reluctantly ordered Daniel to be thrown to the lions. To the king's great joy, Daniel was found unharmed the following morning. The king punished Daniel's enemies by throwing them to the lions. Daniel was a faithful Jew.


THE VISION OF THE SON OF MAN. Daniel had a vision of four beasts arising from the sea. An angel explained that these beasts represented four successive empires. Then a figure with a human rather than a beastly form appeared who was called the son of man. The angel explained that this heavenly figure symbolised the people of Israel. Instead of a temporary kingdom, they would be given an everlasting kingdom. Jesus used this image of the son of man to describe himself.


The book of Daniel was written to comfort and encourage the Jews suffering in a persecution. Daniel and his three friends were always faithful to their Jewish religion.

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