Thursday, April 7, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 11


Audio script

11/Romans, Chapter Eleven.

Romans Chapter 11

1. 11:1-10 The remnant

11/1, THE REMNANT. Not all Jews rejected Jesus. There was a group like Paul who accepted Jesus as the Messiah/Savior. OT passages are proof of this.

The Jews (circle/line) accepted Jesus (triangle/cross) as

Messiah (crown/triangle/cross).


2. 11:11-16 The salvation of the Gentiles

11/2, THE SALVATION OF THE GENTILES. The Jews rejection of Jesus has been providential in that the apostles turned from them to the Gentiles. The Gentiles are not to be proud.

The Jews (circle/line) rejection of Jesus (crown/triangle/cross) resulted in the apostles (cross) turned to the Gentiles (circle). 


3. 11:17-24 The olive tree

11/3, THE OLIVE TREE. The Gentiles who have been made members of God’s family are not to look down on the Jews who will some

day accept Jesus as the Messiah/Savior.

The Gentiles (circle) should not look down on the Jews (circle/line) who will someday accept Jesus (crown/triangle/cross) as Messiah/Savior. 


4. 11:25-29 Israel to be saved

11/4, ISRAEL TO BE SAVED. Israel’s unbelief is used to help the Gentiles to believe in Jesus. Israel will eventually be saved. In God’s plan mercy is to be shown to all.

The Jews (circle/line) rejection of Jesus (crown/triangle/cross) will eventually accept Jesus (crown/triangle/cross) as Messiah/Savior. 


5. 11:30-36 God’s mercy

11/5, GOD’S MERCY. All Jews and Gentiles as a group have been unfaithful to God who uses this infidelity to show to all of them his mercy and to show what kind of God he really is.

The Gentiles (circle) and Jews (circle/line) have been unfaithful to God (crown/triangle/cross) yet God is merciful to them (heart/Gentile/Jew).

Link to Romans Chapter 11 notes:

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