15C Sunday Homily,
Luke 10:25-37, July 10, 2022
A four-year-old boy, whose next door
neighbor was an elderly man who had recently lost his wife, upon seeing the man
cry, went over to the old man’s yard and climbed on his lap. When he returned home, his mother asked him
what he said to the neighbor. He
answered, “Nothing. I just helped him cry.”
GOSPEL, Luke 10:25-37
A) The story of the Good Samaritan
tells of a traveler who was robbed, stripped, beaten and left for dead by
robbers. He was a man in desperate need
of help.
B) Three people saw him and two just
looked at him but offered no help. The
third person, a Samaritan, had compassion on him and stopped to help him. He cared for his wounds, took him to an inn,
and paid for the expenses of his stay at the inn.
A) There are many people who are in
need, just like the wounded traveler. I
have selected three examples: the lonely, the depressed and those unhappy in
life. You may know such a person.
B) We, like the child in the story,
have the ability and opportunity to help. What can you do? You can start by praying for that person. You
can say a kind word to him/her. You
could give that person a phone call to say that you are thinking about him/her.
You might send a note to say hello.
Jesus tells us the great commandment is to love God, your neighbor, and
yourself. Ask Jesus to give you the
strength to carry out this command.