18C Sunday Homily, Luke
12:13-21, July 31, 2022
A landowner informed his servant that
he would share some of his vast land with his servant. He could have as much as he wanted and had
from sunrise to sunset to encircle as much land as he desired. He had to be
back home by sunset. Overjoyed, he
planned to run as fast as possible and acquire as much as possible. At noon, he began the return trip. As sunset he reached home. He was so exhausted
that he fell to the ground and died. All
his newly acquired land was useless. It does not pay to be greedy.
GOSPEL, Luke 12:13-21
A) The gospel tells us of a greedy man
who stored up treasures for himself. Because
of his vast wealth, he planned to rest, eat, drink and be merry. But God had other plans for him as he died
that night.
B) Another type of man is one who is
rich in what matters to God. God wants
us to use our wealth not for ourselves but in a prudent way. He wants us to be generous.
A) A greedy person is like a child who
likes candy and is willing only to eat candy. This is detrimental to his health. He must
change his ways so as to be healthy. Greed makes us blind to things that are
important to God.
B) A generous person remembers three
God comes first. We must give God the
love and respect he deserves. We must go
to Mass, pray, and stay close to him.
We must help those in need. We must
share our wealth with those less fortunate.
We must take care of our health and not work so hard that we deprive ourselves
of sleep, proper food and relaxation.
Wealth is a blessing from God which must
be used wisely. A greedy person thinks
only of himself. Wealth becomes his
master. A generous person uses his
wealth wisely. He remembers God, his
neighbor and himself. Wealth becomes his