22C Sunday Homily, Luke 14: 1,
7-14 August 28, 2022
There was a humble fisherman who earned
a living by rowing people across a small river. One day a proud philosopher asked to be taken
over to the other side of the river. During
the trip the philosopher asked the fisherman if he knew how the sun, moon and
stars worked. The fisherman said no but knew that God made them and controlled
them. The philosopher sighed and
lamented that the fisherman wasted a fourth of his life. The philosopher then asked the fisherman if he
knew about the life of their king. He
again replied no, but he knew that kings come and go and the real ruler of the
world was God. The philosopher said the fisherman had wasted half of his life. Finally, the philosopher asked the fisherman
if he knew the nature and whereabouts of God. Again, he answered no but knew that God
created, loved and cared for him. The
philosopher said that the fisherman had wasted two-thirds of his life. Just then a storm approached and the
philosopher’s face turned pale. The
fisherman asked him if he knew how to swim. He replied no. The fisherman sadly said the philosopher
wasted his whole life. This story helps
to understand the proud man and the humble man.
2) GOSPEL, Luke 14:1, 7-14
A) The proud guest chose the place of
honor at the meal only to be told to sit in a lower place as a more
distinguished guest had arrived. He was embarrassed. One who exalts himself will be humbled.
B) The humble guest selected the least
position and was invited to sit in a higher place. He was honored. The one who humbles himself will be exalted.
A) The proud person thinks that he is
better than others. He has a better
education, better job and a bigger salary. There is no need to improve. He knows everything so he does not listen to
the advice of others.
B) The humble person knows that he has good
and bad qualities. He looks to Jesus as
his model, following him in helping, caring and encouraging others. He must keep improving. The humble person knows his knowledge is
limited. He must listen to Jesus, who is
our teacher. He knows that he must grow
in wisdom.
Jesus wishes us to be humble so that we
can become holier and wiser, thus becoming happier and more at peace.