24C Sunday Homily, Luke
15:1-10, September 11, 2022
John, a violinist, was on his way home
via ferry with his valuable US$300,000 violin when he fell asleep. He woke up and to his great surprise
discovered that his violin was lost. He
became very worried wondering if he would ever find it. After ten days, through the hard work of the
police, it was found and returned to a very happy John. What
was lost had been found.
2) GOSPEL: Luke 15:1-10
A) A shepherd lost one of his 100
sheep. He knew that this sheep was in
great danger, had no water or food, and had no way to find his way back to
safety. So, he went in search of his
lost sheep. He was very sad over this incident.
B) After searching, he finally found
the sheep and returned home carrying the sheep on his shoulder. He was so happy that he had a celebration with
his friends. What was lost had been
A) Today’s lost sheep are those
separated from Jesus, the good shepherd. Some have left him after baptism and some have
never known him. They have no spiritual
guide, they have no spiritual food, and they have no spiritual security against
the many temptations and trials in life.
B) When one finds Jesus, he finds his
caring and loving elder brother. He finds spiritual food in the Eucharist and
in prayer. He finds a guide who will
lead him to joy, happiness, peace and eternal life. He who was lost has been found by Jesus. We must help Jesus find those who have left
him or have never known him. We do this
in three ways: by praying for them, by giving good example by our lives, and
finally by inviting them back to the church or inviting them to know Christ by
studying for baptism.
To lose something valuable as a violin is
sad, but there is no comparison to losing a person. Finding the violin brought joy to the owner. Finding a lost person brings great joy to
Jesus. Let us help the good shepherd
find the lost sheep.