9:51-62 JUNE 26, 2022
Eric Liddell, a devote Christian, was a
great runner and was expected to win a gold medal in the 100 meter race for
England in the 1924 Olympics. When it
was announced that this race would be held on a Sunday, he refused to run as
this was breaking the Sunday rest. Great
pressure was put on him by his coach, friends, fans and even the prince of
England. Yet, he refused to go against
his beliefs. He suggested a solution: he would run the 400 meter race and have
someone else run the 100 meter race. He
was sure he would win even though he had never participated in the 400 race. The result was that England won two gold
medals in the 100 meter and 400 meter race. Eric was committed to following
Jesus, whatever the cost.
2) GOSPEL, Luke 9:51-62
A) Three persons were interested in
following Jesus as his disciples. All had special conditions to their following
Jesus. Jesus warned them that to follow
him meant sacrifice. That would mean no
comfortable home to rest in, no attending to a family funeral, or even saying
goodbye to his family.
B) Jesus made it clear that to follow
him meant to be willing to make sacrifices. He said, “No one who sets a hand to the plow
and looks to what was left behind is for the kingdom of heaven.”
A) There are many who come and go. There are many who were baptized and began to
follow Jesus but have left him. The
reason could be unhappiness, work, friends, sickness or being too busy. We must pray for their return to Jesus. We should make every effort to bring them back
to the Church.
B) There are those who come and stay.
Eric’s secret was that he got up early each morning, prayed, read the bible,
and planned his day. He stayed close to
Jesus. We can stay close to Jesus by
doing the same: by attending Mass, receiving Holy Communion, praying and
reading the bible. The message given to
us today is very clear. We must not look
The message given to us today is very
clear. We must not look back.