Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Homily - 1A Advent (November 27, 2022) Be prepared


TOPIC: Be prepared

1A ADVENT – Sunday Homily, Matthew 24:37-44 November 27, 2022

After a long training course, three little devils were given a one-question exam: How would they deceive people to avoid them in preparing for the last judgment.  The first little devil said he would tell people there is no heaven.  The second little devil said he would tell people there is no hell.  The third little devil said he would tell people there is no rush in preparing for the final judgment.  The master devil smiled at them and said the third answer was the best.  Let people know that there is no rush in preparing as there was still plenty of time before their final judgment. The same holds true for the coming of Christ at Christmas.

2) GOSPEL: MATTHEW 24:37-44
A) PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT PREPARED: In the days before the flood, people were eating, drinking, and marrying.  They were busy and had no time to prepare for the flood which resulted in their being destroyed by the flood.

B) PEOPLE WHO WERE PREPARED: Noah was prepared as he had built the ark; and when the flood came, he entered the ark and was saved. This is a reminder of the importance of being prepared.

A) PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT PREPARED:  As we prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas, many are very busy buying Christmas gifts, sending cards, putting up a tree, planning a vacation, and preparing for a delicious holiday meal.  Though good in themselves, we need to prepare for the coming of Christ.

B) PEOPLE WHO ARE PREPARED: Here are several suggestions to prepare for Christ’s coming.  First, put up a manger as a reminder that this is Christ’s birthday we are celebrating.  Second, make a good confession to prepare our hearts for this great event.  Finally, encourage someone to come with you to Christmas Mass.

The story and the gospel remind us that there are people so busy that they have no time to prepare properly for the coming of Jesus into their lives at Christmas and at the final judgment.  We must make every effort to prepare to welcome Jesus into our hearts and lives. Putting up a manger, going to confession and bringing someone to Christmas Mass are ways to prepare for Christmas.

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