Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Homily - 32C Sunday Homily (November 06, 2022) Eternal Life


32C Sunday Homily, Luke 20:22-38 November 6, 2022

A priest asked a group of newly baptized Catholics what blessings they had received through baptism.  One woman named Mary raised her hand and said that in her home the question of death was never mentioned.  Death was never a topic of conversation as no one had the answer to what happened after death.  Because of Mary’s baptism, she now knew that after death there was life, eternal life.  She knew that Jesus rose from the dead and promised eternal life to all who believed in him. Believing in Jesus changed her life.

2) GOSPEL, Luke 20:22-38
A) SADDUCEES.  This group did not believe in life after death.  They presented Jesus with a difficult question to answer.

B) JESUS: Jesus revealed the resurrection of the dead.  He said, “I am the resurrection and the life: whoever believes in me, even if he dies will live, and whoever believes in me will never die” (John 11:25).  The great proof of the resurrection was his own resurrection.

A) NO RESURRECTION. Many people do not know what happens after death.  Many affirm that death is the end of life.  There is no such thing as life after death.


i) Death is not the end but rather a change from earthly life to eternal life.

ii) Eternal life is to be forever happy with God.

iii) We attain this life by living as God wants us to.

iv) We must share this great news with as many people as possible.

Some people deny while others believe in the resurrection and life after death.  In the story, Mary’s life was changed when she believed that death was a change only and not the end of life.  The Sadducees denied the resurrection, but Jesus preached it.  Today the same situation exists as some deny the resurrection.  We believe in the resurrection and eternal life.  We thank God for this great blessing of eternal life and share this good news with as many people as possible.

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