Sunday, January 1, 2023

Homily - New Year's Day (01 January 2023) Mary, Mother of God


MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, Homily, LUKE 2:16-21 January 1, 2023

One day as Jesus was walking around heaven, he noticed some doubtful characters and wondered how they got there.  He went to ask St. Peter how this happened as Peter was instructed to let in only qualified persons.  St. Peter assured Jesus that he was carrying out his duty by standing at the gates and permitting only qualified persons to enter.  However, Peter informed Jesus that at night his mother Mary would open the back door of heaven and permit those less than qualified souls in.  She wanted all her children to get into their eternal home, heaven.

2) GOSPEL, LUKE 2:16-21

The gospel tells us that the shepherds did three things when Jesus was born:

i) They went to Bethlehem in search of Jesus.

ii) They told others what they had seen.

iii) They glorified and praised God.  They set a good example for us.


The gospel tells us that “Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.”  Jesus was the center of her life.

A) We must always search for Jesus in our busy lives.  There are many distractions which could keep us from searching for him.  We must introduce others to Jesus who have never met him or have abandoned him.  We must praise and glorify God who is the creator of our world and who sent Jesus to save us.

B) MARY. Jesus was the center of her life.  We must make him the most important person in our lives, the center of our lives.  For some persons the center of their lives may be food, clothing, money, or entertainment.  We must reject these temptations.  Jesus gives us guidance, strength, peace, joy, and forgiveness.  He becomes the center of our lives when we communicate with him in prayer, we listen to his voice through the word of God, and we receive his spiritual food in the Eucharist.

Just as Mary helps people get to their eternal home, heaven, she helps us as we begin this new year.  We follow the example of the shepherds by telling others about Jesus and by praising and glorifying him by our words and deeds.  We keep Jesus as the center of our lives as Mary did.  She helps us to stay near to her son, Jesus.


1C Lent Sunday homily - Jesus rejects temptations (9 March 2025)

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