Monday, March 27, 2023

Homily - 5A Sunday homily (26 March 2023) Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life


5A LENT, SUNDAY HOMILY, JOHN 11:1-45 March 26, 2023


Once there was a monk who longed to discover the secret of immortality.  He heard that there was an elderly monk who lived far away who knew the secret of how to live forever.  He was so excited that he began the log trip to the distant mountain where this monk lived.  However, when he arrived at the destination, he was terribly disappointed to discover that the monk with this secret had died a few days before his arrival.  Upon his return home, he was consoled by his friends who said that if the elderly monk knew the secret of how to live forever, he would not have died.  The lesson he learned was that only God can give eternal life.


2. GOSPEL, JOHN 11:1-45


The sisters Martha and Mary were saddened by the death of their brother Lazarus.  The friends of the two sisters were in great sorrow knowing that Martha and Mary’s brother had passed away.  Even Jesus was “perturbed and deeply troubled.” 


Martha believed Jesus when he said that whoever believed in him would never die.  Jesus went to the tomb where Lazarus was buried and cried out in a loud voice.  “Lazarus, come out.” Lazarus came out of the tomb, a living man.  Jesus had the power to raise the dead to life.  Jesus is the resurrection and the life.




There is much sorrow in the world.  This is caused by the death of a loved one, illness, discord in the family, unhappiness at work, lack of a descent place to live, and not having enough money to live even a simple life.  It comes from war, hunger, and disease. 


Each year at Easter there is much joy and happiness among the newly baptized for they have come to believe in Jesus.  Jesus brings us happiness when we believe that he has the power to give us eternal life, to give us strength to live a happy life, and the truth that there is life after death.  Because he brings us happiness, we should do two things:

i) Thank him for the joy and happiness he gives us. 

ii) We must bring others to know Jesus who will also bring them happiness.



In the story, the monk learned that none of us can give eternal life.  In the gospel, we learned that only Jesus can raise the dead to life and give us eternal life.  He taught us that he is the resurrection and life. We must thank Jesus for the great gift of eternal life and should introduce others to Jesus who will also give them joy and happiness here on earth and happiness forever in heaven.

1C Lent Sunday homily - Jesus rejects temptations (9 March 2025)

  1C LENT SUNDAY HOMILY, LUKE 4:1-13 MARCH 9, 2025 1. STORY There was a king who was seriously ill.   He commanded all the beautiful g...