Monday, July 31, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 5


Audio script

5/Revelation, Chapter Five.

Revelation Chapter 5

1.       5:1 Scroll

God holds a scroll written on both sides with seven seals.

2.      5:2-5 Who can open the scroll?

At first no one can open the scroll.  Then the lion of Judah was found to open it.

3.       5:6-8 The lamb

The lamb with seven horns (power) and seven eyes (knowledge) received the scroll from God.  He was able to open the scroll.  

4.      5:9-10 A new hymn

The elders sang a hymn saying the lamb was worthy to receive the scroll and to open it.

5.      5:11-14 Another hymn

Those in heaven sang another hymn singing:” To the one who sits on the throne and to the lamb be blessing forever and ever.”


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