Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 8


Audio script

8/Revelation, Chapter Eight.

Revelation Chapter 8

1.       8:1-5 The golden censer

The angel offers the incense to God and then hurled it down to the earth.

2.      8:6-7 The first trumpet

When it was blown, hail and fire were hurled down to the earth with 1/3 of the land burned.

3.      8:8-9 The second trumpet

When it was blown, a large burning mountain was hurled into the sea with the sea turning red.

4.      8:10-11 The third trumpet

When it was blown, a burning star fell on the rivers making a 1/3 of the water bitter.

5.      8:12-13 Fourth trumpet and the eagle

When it was blown, ½ of the sun, moon and stars became dark.    An eagle announces woes to come.

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