Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 9


Audio script

9/Revelation, Chapter Nine.

Revelation Chapter 9

1.       9:1-2 The 5th trumpet

When it was blown, a star from heaven used a key to open the abyss and smoke came out.

2.      9:3-12 The locusts

Locust came out of the abyss harming only those without the seal of God on their foreheads.

3.       9:13-15 The 6th trumpet

When it was blown, an angel released four angles who were to kill a third of the human race.

4.       9:16-19 The cavalry

When it was blown, an angel released four angles who were to kill a third of the human race.

5.      9:20-21 The human race

The rest of the human race did not report of their idol workshop, murders and robberies.

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