Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Homily - 4B Advent Sunday homily (24 December 2023) The Angel's message to Mary


4B ADVENT SUNDAY HOMILY: LUKE 1:26-38, December 24, 2023 


St. Ambrose was the governor in northern Italy with his headquarters in Milan.  In 374 the bishop of Milan died leaving the Church bitterly divided and, thus, unable to choose a successor.  St. Ambrose, fearing that there might be trouble, went to the basilica in his civil capacity and exhorted the people to settle the election of a new bishop in a peaceful manner.  Suddenly a voice shouted out, “Ambrose for bishop.”   The people quickly took up the cry.  Ambrose was horrified.  Not only was he a layman but also was not even baptized.  Fleeing the basilica, he went into hiding to evade the crowd.  However, when they found him, he agreed thinking that this was the will of God.  Within a week he was baptized, confirmed, received holy orders, and was consecrated bishop of Milan.  His response was “Yes, Lord.”


2. GOSPEL: LUKE 1:26-38


The angel Gabriel visited Mary in Nazareth and told her that she would become the mother of Jesus.  He would rule over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom would have no end.  She was not to be afraid, as this would happen through the power of the Holy Spirit. 


Naturally, this amazing message which came so suddenly shocked Mary.  She asked how this could be.  The angel explained that this would happen through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Mary responded, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.   May it be done to me according to your word.”  Mary’s response was, “Yes, Lord.”




Just as God had work for Mary to do, he also has work for us to do.  Through Baptism, God has chosen us to become his adopted children.  He wants us to love God, our neighbor, and ourselves.  We are disciples of Jesus, and we must continue the work of Jesus.  We must do what Jesus did.  We must preach the gospel and help the needy.


We must be like Mary saying, “Yes, Lord.”  As adopted children of God, we must strike to love holy lives, God, our neighbor, and ourselves.  As disciples of Jesus, we must share the good news with others.  During this Christmas season, invite someone to go to Mass with you and send a Christmas message to a relative or friend.



St. Ambrose said “yes” to God.  Mary said “yes” to God.  So, too, must we say “yes” to God by living as adopted sons of God and faithful disciples of Jesus.


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