Sunday, June 16, 2024

Homily - 11B Sunday homily (16 June 2024) The Parable of the Growing Seed


11B SUNDAY HOMILY, MARK 4:26-34, June 16, 2024


One warm autumn day, little Mary dropped a seed into a hole in the ground, covered it up, and waited for her flower to grow.  When the snow came and covered the ground, the little seed could not grow.  After waiting for weeks and months, Mary urged the seed to grow.  The seed said it was cold, the ground was hard, and she must ask the snow to go away.  Mary then asked the snow to melt.  The snow told Mary to ask the sun to shine.  The sun told Mary to ask the wind to move the clouds so that the sun could shine and melt the snow.  The wind told Mary to ask God to let it blow.  Finally, the sun melted the snow, the earth turned soft, and the flower came up.  She learned it is God who makes all things grow.


2. GOSPEL: MARK 4:26-34


The farmer was the one who “scattered the seed on the land.”  Also, “When the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle” to gather in the harvest.  The farmer does not know how this growth happens. 


It is God who makes the seed grow.  Because of God “the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.”



This parable tells us about the growth of our Catholic Church.  God has assigned a role for us, a work we must do to help God in building up his Church.  We must do our part and at the same time remember that it is God who is ultimately responsible for the growth of the Church.  We are his important co-workers.  Here are two suggestions explaining how we can work along with God. 


We must pray for the following.

i) We pray for those in the Church, especially for our families and all other Catholics that they have a strong faith to resist the temptations in the world and remain faithful followers of Jesus.

ii) We pray for those outside of the Church especially for those who are baptized but have left Jesus and for those who have never heard of Jesus.

iii) We pray for those suffering from wars and persecutions as in the Middle East and for those who have limited freedom to practise their faith as in China. 


We can help the Church by our actions.

i) We must be kind to people in our words and attitude.  People are made happy when people are kind to them.

ii) We must encourage those Catholics who have left Jesus to return to him.  Be willing to take them to church along with you.

iii) We must be concerned about the elderly, the sick, the lonely, and the poor.  Do what you can to bring some joy and happiness into their lives.  By acting in this way, we are following the example of Jesus.



Little Mary realized that it is God who makes things grow.  The parable tells us that both the farmer and God cooperate so that the seed can grow and produce fruit.  The parable is about the growth of the Catholic Church.  We help God in this task.

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