Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Homily - 3C Advent, Sunday homily (15 December 2024) How to prepare for Christ's coming




Just before Christmas, Ann was in the hospital for an operation.  Her family visited her and gave her beautiful flowers and gifts.  Her friends sent her many lovely Christmas cards.  In the same room was another patient, Mary.  Ann noticed that Mary had no visitors, no gifts, no flowers, and no Christmas cards.  One of the nurses gave Mary a small Christmas tree.  Both got along very well.  Ann wanted to give Mary a gift but found all of her gifts too precious.  She was unwilling to part with any of them.  The day before Christmas as Mary was about to leave the hospital, she wished Ann a very happy Christmas and gave Ann her only gift, the small Christmas tree.  When Mary had left, Ann thought how wonderful Mary was as Mary had something that Ann did not have.  Mary had a generous heart.


2. GOSPEL, LUKE 3:10-18

A. WHAT SHOULD WE DO? When John the Baptist told of the coming of the Savior, the people asked him what should they do to prepare for this great event.



i) The Baptist told the people that they must be GENEROUS. 

ii) He told the tax collectors that they must be HONEST.

iii) He told the soldiers that they must be RESPECTFUL.



We must follow the Baptist’s advice as we prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas.

A. BE GENEROUS.  The Baptist tells the people that if they have two coats, they should give one away to someone who has no coat.  We have been blessed materially and spiritually.  Be generous by praying for a sick person, calling a lonely person, and helping the St. Vincent de Paul Society. 

B. BE HONEST.  The tax collectors were tempted to be greedy and cheated the people.  We are honest to God when we give him some of our time in daily prayer.  We are honest to people by realizing that they, though they are weak, are trying their best to be good.  We must be kind, forgiving, and patient. 

C. BE RESPECTFUL.  The soldiers were tempted to use their position to treat people in a disrespectful way.  We must be respectful to our parents, the elderly, and our teachers.  We treat people with respect by what we say and do, such as giving up a seat to the elderly on the bus.  We must be respectful to all as we are all children of God.



Ann was blessed with many material things but did not have a generous heart.  Mary had few material blessings but was blessed with something more important as she had a generous heart.  John the Baptist tells us how to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas by being generous, honest, and respectful.  We ask Jesus for his help to prepare well for his coming at Christmas.

1C Lent Sunday homily - Jesus rejects temptations (9 March 2025)

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