Friday, February 25, 2022

Video Jesus 1(1) His life





THE VIRGINAL CONCEPTION OF JESUS. Mary was a young Jewish woman who lived in the village of Nazareth. She was engaged to a carpenter named Joseph. The angel Gabriel informed her that she would bear a son who was to be named Jesus. When asked how this was to be done, the Angel informed her that this would happen through the power of the Holy Spirit. She would remain a virgin and the child would have a foster father, Joseph.


THE BIRTH OF JESUS. Mary and Joseph travelled from their home to a small town, Bethlehem, to register as required at that time. Having arrived and not able to find lodging in an inn, Mary gave birth to her son in a manger and they named him Jesus as commanded by the angel. Informed by an angel, the shepherds in the area visited the infant Jesus. Mary, Joseph and Jesus returned to their home town, Nazareth.


THE YOUNG JESUS IN THE TEMPLE. Mary, Joseph and Jesus travelled to Jerusalem to celebrate one of the Jewish major feasts. Jesus was twelve- years-old at that time. As they began the return trip home, they were not able to find Jesus. After looking for him for three days, they were amazed to find him in the temple sitting among the scholars answering them questions. Finally they returned home and Jesus lived with them for thirty years.



1C Lent Sunday homily - Jesus rejects temptations (9 March 2025)

  1C LENT SUNDAY HOMILY, LUKE 4:1-13 MARCH 9, 2025 1. STORY There was a king who was seriously ill.   He commanded all the beautiful g...