Thursday, March 10, 2022

Video Jesus 1(2) His teachings





THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER. A farmer went out and sowed seeds. Some seeds fell on a path, some fell on rocky soil, some among thorns and some on good soil. The seeds on the path did not grow as there was no soil. The seeds on the rocky soil began to grow but withered as the soil was too shallow. The seeds among thorns began to grow but died because of the thorns. The seeds on the good soil grew abundantly. The words of Jesus are like the seeds. The soil is like the heart. Some people accept and some reject the teachings of Jesus.


THE PARABLE OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN. A Jew on a journey was robbed and abandoned on the road and seriously wounded. A priest, followed by another man, both neglected to help him. Then a foreigner, a Samaritan, passed by and bound his wounds and brought him to an inn. He then continued his journey and promised to return and pay for all his expenses. Jesus teaches us to help the needy according to our ability.


THE PARABLE OF THE GOLD COINS. A land owner gave one servant five gold coins, to a second one two gold coins, and to a third one, one gold coin. After his return from a journey, the owner praised the first servant for earning five more gold coins and the second servant for earning two more coins. He was unhappy with the third servant who hid the gold coin until the owner returned. This servant was too lazy to at least earn some interest by putting the coin into the bank until the return of the owner. God gives each person some talent or ability, and he wishes him to use it well.

Homily - 27B Sunday homily (06 October 2024) God created marriage

  27B SUNDAY HOMILY, MARK 10:2-12, OCTOBER 6, 2024   1. STORY One day an unhappy wife visited a wise man for help to make a drink that...