Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Video Jesus 10(2) Commandments, Conscience





SOLOMON'S DREAM. One night God appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked him to request anything and it would be granted to him.  Solomon did not ask for riches, a long life, or victory over his enemies. He asked for a heart that would judge justly and distinguish right from wrong. God was pleased with this request and granted the king this gift. The king became famous for his wisdom in acting justly in his dealings with his people. He possessed a good conscience.


A NEW HEART. Though God loved and cared for his people, the Jews, they continually disobeyed him and sinned. God, through the prophet Jeremiah, spoken of changing their disobedient heart of stone and replace it with an obedient heart of flesh. God would teach them his law and write it in their hearts. God would forgive them their sins and no longer remember their wrongs. A new heart helps one to know right from wrong when living a life according to God's will.


A GOOD CONSCIENCE. The first letter of John states that one has a good conscience when we keep God's commandments and do what pleases him. God's commandment is to believe in Jesus and to love one another. Our conscience guides us to distinguish what we should do and not do according to God's commandments and what pleases God and does not please him. We ask Jesus to help us in this complex life to always do what pleases him. This is what it means to have a good conscience.


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