Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Video Jesus 12(3) Commandments, 7th / 10th Respect property





RESPECT OTHERS PROPERTY. Tobit was a just and honest man. One day, Anna his wife, returned home from work with a goat. Tobit feared she had stolen it, but in fact, it was given to her as a gift. He insisted she return it to the owner as stealing was a grave matter. Eventually Tobit realized that the goat was a gift and not stolen. We must respect the property of others and resist the temptation to steal that which belongs to others.


BE HONEST. Jesus, in the parable of the unjust worker who wasted the property of his employer, teaches one to be honest in dealing with others. Stolen property and goods must be returned to the owner. One must not waste money or material goods and work diligently when on the job. The employer must treat his workers justly by giving them a fair wage, reasonable working hours, and a safe working place.


BE GENEROUS WITH MATERIAL GOODS. Jesus visited Zacchaeus a rich tax collector. He promised to give half of his wealth to the poor and return fourfold to those whom he may have cheated. One must share with the needy and help the poor according to one’s ability. There are many worthy causes that can be can supported with wealth by respecting the property of others, returning what has been stolen, being honest in dealings with others, and sharing wealth with the poor and needy.


The seventh and tenth commandments, “You shall not steal.”


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