Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Video Jesus 12(4) Commandments, 8th Respect for truth





JESUS SPEAKS THE TRUTH. During the trial before Pilate, Pilate asked Jesus if he was a king. Jesus stated that he was a king and had come into the world to testify to the truth. On the other hand, St. Peter when on the same day was asked three times if he was a disciple of Jesus, denied that he knew Jesus. After he lied, he was deeply sorry and asked for forgiveness. Disciples of Jesus must follow the example of Jesus and respect the truth and avoid lying.


THE POWER OF THE TONGUE. The letter of James contains a description of the power of the tongue. It is compared to the small bit that controls the whole body of a horse. It is compared to the small rudder which controls the direction of a big ship and to a small fire which is able to set a large forest on fire. "From the same mouth, comes blessings and curses." The power of speech should be used to praise and thank God

and to instruct, comfort, and forgive others. It is a gift to be used carefully.


RESPECT THE TRUTH IN WORD AND ACTION. St. Paul travelled to many places to tell others about Jesus. He said that he always preached the truth. He said that his yes was a yes and his no was a no. A disciple of Jesus must do the same. The Acts of the Apostles tells of a married couple who sold their house intending to give the money as a gift to the apostles to be used to help the poor. However, they did not tell the truth about the amount received. They told a lie. A disciple of Jesus must respect the truth in what he says and in his actions.


The eighth commandment, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

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