Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Video Jesus 13(3) Last things, Purgatory





THE JEWS PRAYED FOR THE DEAD. During the war against the enemy, the Jewish leader, Judas Maccabaeus, ordered the burial of his dead soldiers. It was then discovered that the dead carried small images of idols which was prohibited by the Jewish religion. Judas, who believed in the resurrection of the dead, sent a request for prayers to Jerusalem that the sins of the dead would be forgiven. This indicated that before one's final reward, it was necessary that sins be forgiven. This necessary forgiveness can be called purgatory.


THE MEANING OF PURGATORY. The meaning of this doctrine of the Catholic Church could be a place or state of suffering inhabited

 by the souls of sinners who are being purified from their sins before going to heaven. St. Clement of Alexandria taught that those who repent on their deathbed and do not have time to do works of penance in this life will be purified in the next life by purifying fire. The Church has never stated the nature of the suffering in purgatory.


PRAYING FOR THE DECEASED. Catholics are able to help deceased persons by praying, doing good works, and offering Masses for them. Each year, on November the second, the Mass of All the Faithful Departed is celebrated and the month of November is called the month of all departed souls. This is possible for we believe the living are able to help the deceased who are in purgatory. We are encouraged to pray for the deceased.

Homily - 27B Sunday homily (06 October 2024) God created marriage

  27B SUNDAY HOMILY, MARK 10:2-12, OCTOBER 6, 2024   1. STORY One day an unhappy wife visited a wise man for help to make a drink that...