Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Video Jesus 13(4) Last things, Hell



13/4 HELL


THE PARABLE OF THE WEEDS AMONG THE WHEAT. In his parable of the weeds among the wheat, Jesus explained that the weeds are the children of the devil. At the end of the world, all these evildoers will be thrown in a fiery furnace and punished forever. This might be a description of hell where there will be eternal punishment.  When Jesus offers us his love and we reject this love, we choose hell. Hell is living forever refusing the love Jesus offers us.


THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS. In this parable, the rich man while on earth did not help the poor suffering Lazarus. In the afterlife, the rich man suffered while Lazarus enjoyed happiness. The rich man asked Lazarus for help but this was not possible as there was a great chasm between them preventing any help to be given. We learn from the parable that there is a reward or a punishment in the afterlife. There is eternal suffering for selfish, greedy persons unwilling to help the needy while on earth. This may be called hell.


HELL. The book of Revelation tells us that people who worship the devil will be punished after death. The book states, "The smoke of the fire that torments them will rise forever and ever, there will be no relief day or night for those who worship the beast (the devil)." This may be considered a meaning of hell which is eternal punishment for the evil life lived on earth. It is life without God who has offered us his love but this love has been rejected.

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