Monday, March 14, 2022

Video Jesus 2(4) The Early Church, Paul



2/4 PAUL


PAUL AS PERSECUTOR. Paul, also known as Saul, was a devout Jew who persecuted the Christians. He saw them as enemies of his religion. He was involved in the death of Stephen who was the first Christian martyr. Paul was trying to destroy the church. He entered house after house and dragged men and women out and handed them over for imprisonment. He received permission from the high priest to go to Damascus and to bring back to Jerusalem in chains any Christians he found there.


THE CONVERSION OF PAUL. On his way to Damascus to search for Christians, suddenly there was a light from heaven which flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me?" When Paul asked who was speaking, the reply was "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting." Jesus then instructed him to go to the city where a disciple of Jesus met him and baptised him. His life was then completely changed as he because a very fervent Christian.


PAUL'S MISSIONARY WORK. In the city of Antioch, the disciples of Jesus preached not only to Jews but also began to preach to the Greeks. A great number believed and were baptised. Barnabas, a devout disciple, went in search of Paul who had returned to his own city and invited him to help in preaching.  They were instructed by the Holy Spirit to continue their work and two then sailed to the island of Cyprus. This began Paul's missionary work.

Homily - 27B Sunday homily (06 October 2024) God created marriage

  27B SUNDAY HOMILY, MARK 10:2-12, OCTOBER 6, 2024   1. STORY One day an unhappy wife visited a wise man for help to make a drink that...