Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Video Jesus 5(2) God, God the Son




THE WORD WAS GOD. In the beginning of his gospel, John speaks about Jesus calling him the WORD. This WORD in the very beginning was with God   and in fact was God. He came into the world but the world did not know him. Even many of his own people, the Jews, did not know him and did not accept him. But those who accepted him saw his glory and knew him as the Father's only Son. Those who accepted him became the adopted children of the Father. Jesus, the Word, and only Son of the Father told us about God his Father.


GOD THE SON BECAME A MAN. St Paul in his letter to the church in Philippi wrote that though the Son was God he humbled himself and became a man like any ordinary man. He willingly died on the cross and rose from the dead to save us. As a result of this death and resurrection, the Father praised Jesus who returned to heaven to be with him. Paul said that we, his friends and disciples, must also praise and honor Jesus for his great generosity in becoming a man for our sake.


THE TRANSFIGURATION OF JESUS. Jesus took Peter, James, and John up a mountain and they saw that his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light. This is called his transfiguration. He wanted them to know that he was not only a man but he was also God. Then a cloud appeared and they heard the voice of God the Father saying that Jesus was his beloved son who pleased his Father. We must listen to Jesus who will instruct us on how to live a holy life bringing us happiness, peace, and eternal life in heaven.

Homily - 27B Sunday homily (06 October 2024) God created marriage

  27B SUNDAY HOMILY, MARK 10:2-12, OCTOBER 6, 2024   1. STORY One day an unhappy wife visited a wise man for help to make a drink that...