Sunday, March 27, 2022

Video People of the Bible (21) Isaiah I


21. ISAIAH/1 

Isaiah preached for forty years in the southern kingdom, Judah, 740 years before the birth of Jesus. He preached a message of disaster which was rejected by the leaders and people.


THE CALL OF ISAIAH. God called Isaiah to be his prophet. He was to proclaim a message of disaster, to speak a message that would fall on deaf ears, and a message which would reveal more clearly the disobedience of the people. Despite the destruction which would befall the nation, Isaiah believed that a small group would survive the disaster.


AGAINST FALSE WORSHIP. The unfaithful leaders were encouraged to listen to God's word. God was not pleased with the sacrifices made by the people in the temple. Those who disobeyed the basic laws of God were unfit to engage in worship. The basic laws of God were to help those who had been treated unjustly, to care for orphans, and to be kind to widows. God was willing to forgive their sins. If the people were willing to obey God, they would be blessed; but if they refused to obey, they would be punished.


FUTURE PEACE.  The time will come when Jerusalem would become the center of the world. All the nations would go there to receive God's instructions on how to live according to God's laws. The people would live in peace. "They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. One nation will not raise their sword against another, nor shall they train for war." All this would happen if the people obeyed God's instructions.


God called Isaiah to be his prophet. He was to deliver a message of disaster which the people would reject. However, God would bring peace if the people obeyed his law.

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