22. ISAIAH/2
Isaiah has three major sections generally called First, Second, and
Third Isaiah. They span from 724 to at least 500 years before the birth of
MANY WILL SUFFER. The people would suffer because of their sins.
The people who steal land, which was given by God to his people, will find
their homes empty and their fields unproductive. Those who drink wine and
disobey God would be sent into exile. Those who acquit the guilty of bribes and
deprive the innocent of justice would be punished. All those people have
rejected the instruction of God.
THIE SONG OF THE VINEYARD. Isaiah compared the people to a
vineyard. The owner, God, had a vineyard that is Judah. He took great care of
it, cleared the stones, spaded it, and planted the best vines. He built a
watchtower and a wine press. Finally, he expected to harvest a crop of
delicious grapes. The opposite happened. The grapes were sour and not fit to
make good wine. The people of Judah were like sour grapes and did not live as
God commanded. The result would be the destruction of the vineyard, that is the
destruction of Judah.
THE COMING OF A VIRTUOUS KING. Isaiah saw the coming of a new Davidic King who would possess all the virtues of an ideal king. He would possess wisdom, understanding, strength, and fear of the Lord. He would judge the poor with justice and deal fairly for those affected. He would destroy the ruthless and the wicked. There would be peace and true religion practiced in Jerusalem and throughout the whole world.
Isaiah taught that those who oppressed the poor, became drunk, disobeyed
God, and changed wrong to right would all suffer. There would come a virtuous
king who would rule with justice, destroy the wicked, and bring peace to the