Sunday, March 27, 2022

Video People of the Bible (8) Gideon


8.   GIDEON 

God chose Gideon to become a military leader to defeat the enemy oppressing the Israelites. Such a leader was known as a judge.


THE OPPRESSION OF THE ISRAELITES. The Israelites disobeyed God by worshipping idols of the surrounding people. God punished them by sending an enemy tribe known as the Midianites who would come and destroy their crops leaving them with no food, sheep or oxen. They pleaded to God for help. They were reminded that the cause of their difficulties was their idol worship.


THE CALL OF GIDEON. An angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon who was preparing wheat to save it from being destroyed by the enemy. He was informed that God had chosen him to lead the people to defeat the enemy. He asked for a sign and a sign was given to him that God had sent the angel. Gideon obeyed this call from God.


God told Gideon to select only 300 men and to send the rest home. He obeyed this command and prepared for battle with only 300 soldiers.


GIDEON ATTACKS THE ENEMY. Gideon divided the soldiers into three groups. In the middle of the night, the three groups surrounded the enemy camp. At Gideon's command, they attacked the enemy by making a great amount of noise. The whole camp was frightened and fled in fear. Thus, they defeated the enemy.


After this, Gideon returned home. After his death, the people returned to worshiping false gods. They forgot how God had helped them.

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