Monday, April 11, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 15


Audio script

15/Romans, Chapter Fifteen.

Romans Chapter 15

 1. 15:1-6 Support the weak

15/1, SUPPORT THE WEAK. The strong members of the community should support the weak. Christ is our model and the scriptures encourages us to do so.

The Christian (cross) helps the poor (bent figure) and the Bible (square/cross) and Jesus (triangle/cross) are our models. 


2. 15:7-13 An appeal for unity

15/2, AN APPEAL FOR UNITY. The strong and the weak should welcome one another as Christ welcomed them. All should work for unity.

The Christian (cross) helps the weak (holding stick) two Christians hold hands.


 3. 15:14-21 Paul’s mission work

15/3, PAUI’S MISSION WORK. Paul has carried out his mission of preaching the Gospel in present Turkey and Greece. He praises the Church in Rome.

Paul (cross) preached the gospel (square/cross) and praises the Church (building) in Rome. 


4. 15:22-29 Paul’s future plans

15/4, PAUL’S FUTURE PLANS. Paul plans to go to Jerusalem to give the Church the money he collected. He will return through Rome and go to Spain.

Paul with money (bag) for Church in Jerusalem (church) then return (stick) through Rome (buildings) for Spain.


5. 15:30-33 Paul’s request for prayers

15/5, PAUL’S REQUEST FOR PRAYERS. Paul asks for prayers so that his trip to Jerusalem will be successful and he can return safely to Rome.

Paul kneeling (cross) asks for prayers (folded hands) for a safe trip (stick) to Jerusalem and return to Rome (church).

Link to Romans Chapter 15 notes:

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