Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 16


Audio script

16/Romans, Chapter Sixteen.

Romans Chapter 16

 1. 16:1-2 Phoebe

16/1, PHOEBE. She brought the letter to Rome from Corinth. Cenchreae was the port of Corinth on the east side of the city. She helped Paul very much.

Phoebe (cross) with letter (square/cross) she brought to Rome. She (cross) helped Paul (cross) very much.


2. 16:3-4 Aquila and Prisca

16/2, AQUILA AND PRISCA. They were Jewish Christians expelled from Rome by Emperor Claudius. They moved to Corinth and were tent makers. They helped Paul in his work.

The two (cross) we expelled from Rome (buildings) and they (crosses) helped Paul (cross).


3. 16:17-20 Against factions

16/3, AGAINST FACTIONS. Paul tells the Church to avoid some people who cause trouble in the community by what they teach which is contrary to sound doctrine.

Paul (cross) advises the Church to avoid troublemakers (square/X) in the Church (church). 


4. 16:21-23 Greetings from Corinth

16/4, GREETINGS FROM CORINTH. Paul sends greetings from his friend in Corinth where he wrote Romans. Tertius wrote down what Paul dictated to him.

Paul’s (cross) letter to Romans (crosses) was written down by Tertius (cross/pen). 


5. 16:25-26 Final praise

16/5, FINAL PRAISE. Paul ends the letter by praising God. The mystery revealed is that forgiveness of sins comes through faith in Jesus and baptism.

Paul (cross) proclaims forgiveness comes from faith in Jesus (triangle/cross) and baptism (water being poured).

Link to Romans Chapter 16 notes:


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