Friday, April 1, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 5


Audio script
5/Romans, Chapter Five.

Romans Chapter 5

1. 5:1-5 The effects of justification


5/1 THE EFFECTS OF JUSTIFICATION. One has peace with God in place of hostility, hope in the glory of God and the love of God through the Holy Spirit.

The Christian (cross), has peace (heart) and hope of the glory of God (raised hands and lines).


2. 5:6-11 Christ’s death for us


5/2, CHRIST’s DEATH FOR US.  Christ died for us when we were still sinners. This death proves God’s love for us and saves us from God’s punishment.

The sinner (square/x) through Christ’s death (cross) proves God’s love for us (cross/ raised hands).


3. 5: 12-14 Adam and Christ


5/3, ADAM AND CHRIST. Sin came into the world through Adam which affected all human beings. Forgiveness (justification) and eternal life came through Christ.

Adam (circle) brought sin (square/x) and Jesus (triangle/cross) brought salvation (cross/raised hands).


4. 5:15-18 Christ brings us pardon


5/4, CHRIST BRINGS US PARDON. Just as Adam’s sin condemned all, Christ’s death and resurrection brought pardon and eternal life to all.

Adam (circle) brought death (line) to all but Jesus (triangle/cross) brought eternal life to all (cross/raised hands).


5. 5:19-21 Adam’s sin and Christ’s obedience


5/5, ADAM’SIN AND CHRIST’s OBEDIENCE. Adam’s sin caused all to be separated from God. Christ’s obedience made all righteous, that is their sins were forgiven.

Link to Romans Chapter 5 notes:

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