Saturday, April 2, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 6


Audio script
6/Romans, Chapter Six.

Romans Chapter 6

1. 6:1-4 The effects of baptism


6/1, THE EFFECTS OF BAPTISM. Descending into the water is a symbol of our dying to sin. Ascending from the water is a symbol of our new eternal life.

The pagan (circle) descends into the baptismal water and ascends baptized (cross).


2. 6:5-11 Freedom from sin

6/2, FREEDOM FROM SIN. At baptism the “old man” under sin dies and the “new man” lives in union with Christ and is liberated through Christ from sin.

The pagan dies (line) and Jesus (triangle/cross) gives the baptized new life (hands raised).


 3. 6:12-14 Resist sin

6/3, RESIST SIN. Though the Christian has been baptized and freed from sin, the Christian can be tempted and sin. Christians are to be instruments in God’s service.

The Christian (cross) must resist sin (line/square/x), and serve God (cross).


4. 6:15-20 Slaves to God


6/4, SLAVES TO GOD. The Christian formerly a slave to sin through baptism has become a slave/servant to God. The Christian is now dedicated to the service of God.

The pagan (circle) was a slave to sin (square/x) is now a Christian (cross) and dedicated to service of God (large cross).


5. 6:21-25 Different rewards


6/5, DIFFERENT REWARDS. The slave of sin receives physical and spiritual death. The slave/servant of God receives eternal life.

The slave of sin (man holding sin square/x) dies (laying figure) and Christian (cross) has eternal life (hands raised).

Link to Romans Chapter 6 notes:

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