Audio script
8/Romans, Chapter Eight.
Romans Chapter 8
1. 8:1-4 Living as a Christian
8/1, LIVING AS A CHRISTIAN. Cooperation with the grace
of God given at baptism is necessary for one to live a Christian life.
A Christian (cross) with God’s grace (triangle) leads
a Christian life (road of life).
2. 8:5-13 Flesh and spirit
8/2, FLESH AND SPIRIT. If one lives according to the
flesh, that is whose motivation in life is a self-centered interest, will die
spiritually. To live by the spirit, one will live spiritually.
The Christian (cross) who’s lives by the flesh will,
die spiritually (man in casket). The Christian (cross) with God’s help
(triangle) will live spiritually (raised hands).
3. 8:14-17 Adopted children of God
8/3, ADOPTED CHILDREN OF GOD. The Spirit gives new
life and establishes the relationship of an adopted son and heir and taken into
the family of God, the Catholic Church.
The Spirit (triangle) makes the Catholic (cross) and
adopted child of God (triangle/ cross/two lines) and a member of the Catholic
Church (triangle/crosses/ two lines).
4. 8:18-27 Created world
8/4, THE CREATED WORLD. God, though he cursed the
ground because of Adam’s sin, still gave it a hope of sharing in human
redemption or liberation.
God (triangle) though cursed the world (line through)
the circle (world) gave it (circle) hope of liberation (lines).
5. 8:28-39 Love of Christ
8/5, LOVE OF CHRIST. No dangers or troubles of life
can make the true Christian forget the love of Christ made known to human
beings in his death and resurrection.
No troubles (hammer) can make the Christian (cross)
forget the love (heart) of Christ (triangle/cross) because of his death and
resurrection (cross/raised hands).
Link to Romans Chapter 8 notes: