Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 11


Audio script

11/Revelation, Chapter Eleven.

Revelation Chapter 11

1.       11:1-2 Measure the temple

The earthly temple (outer court not measured) is destroyed.  The heavenly temple (inner court) exists.

2.      11:3-6 Two witnesses

Elijah (No rain) and Moses (plagues) are the two witnesses that is the 2 olive trees and two lampstands.

3.       11:7-14 Death and life of the two witnesses

The anti-christ (beast) killed Christians who rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.

4.      11:15-18 The 7th trumpet

It proclaims the coming of God’s reign and the punishment of evil doers and the general judgment.

5.      11:19 The ark of the covenant

This is an extraordinary manifestation of God who is now manifest to all.

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