Thursday, August 10, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 12


Audio script

12/Revelation, Chapter Twelve.

Revelation Chapter 12

1.      12:1-2 The woman and child

The woman in pain at birth symbolized the heavenly Israel whose pain symbolized the woes which precede the coming of the Messiah.

2.      12:3-6 The red dragon

This dragon is the devil / satan who failed to kill the child and the woman flees safely into the desert.

3.      12:7-9 Michael defeats the dragon

Michael and the angels fight and defeat the dragon who is thrown down to the earth.

4.      12:10-12 Hymn – God’s kingdom has come

The kingdom of God has come and the martyrs have succeeded because of Christ’s death.

5.      12:13-18 Woman flees the dragon

The woman is saved by an eagle from the attack of the devil (serpent) who continues to attack Christians.

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