Sunday, August 13, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 13


Audio script

13/Revelation, Chapter Thirteen.

Revelation Chapter 13

1.       13:1-4 The beast from the sea

This means the Roman empire.  To worship the beast means emperor worship ordered by emperor Domitian.

2.      13:5-7 Blaspheme God

The sea-beast, Rome, blasphemed God and persecuted the Christians.  Domitian demanded to be called by divine names (our Lord and God).

3.      13:8-10 Book of life

It is the citizenship roll book of the heavenly Jerusalem kept by Christ.

4.      13:11-15 The beast from the land

This beast represents provincial elite whose duties were to promote the cult of the emperor and goddess Rome.  666 may refer to emperor Nero.

5.      13:16-18 Mark of the beast

This may be an allusion to coins with the image, name, and insignia of the emperor on them.

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