Sunday, August 13, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 14


Audio script

14/Revelation, Chapter Fourteen.

Revelation Chapter 14

1.       14:1 The lamb

The lamb is in Mt. Zion, Jerusalem.  With his followers, 144,000 who have his and his father’s name on their foreheads.

2.      14:2-5 The 144,000

They lost their lives because of their faith and will be rewarded by their participation in the first resurrection.

3.      14:6-13 The three angels

The 1st announced God’s judgment.  The 2nd told of Rome’s destruction. The 3rd said those who follow Rome will be punished.

4.      14:14-16 The 1st harvest

Christ carries out God’s judgment by swinging his sickle over the earth.  This harvest symbolizes the gathering of the elect in the final judgement.

5.      14:17-20 The 2nd harvest

The reaping and treading of the grapes symbolize the doom of the ungodly.

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