Sunday, August 13, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 15


Audio script

15/Revelation, Chapter Fifteen.

Revelation Chapter 15

1.      15:1 Seven Plagues

7 angels each holding a bowl to be used to punish the evil doers.  This is the last group of 7 after the 7 seals and the 7 trumpets.

2.      15:2-3A Sea of glass

The victors over the beast stand on glass mingled with fire which symbolizes the sanctity involved in facing God.

3.      15:3B-4 Victory song

Moses and the Israelites sang this song after their escape from the oppression of Egypt as the martyrs escaped from the oppression of the devil.

4.      15:5-6 Tent of testimony

The 7 angels with the 7 bowls come out of the tent which was like the one used by Moses during the Exodus.

5.      15:7-8 Seven gold bowls

They are like the 7 seals and 7 trumpets bringing on a series of disasters modeled in part on the plagues of Egypt.

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