Monday, August 14, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 16


Audio script

16/Revelation, Chapter Sixteen.

Revelation Chapter 16

1.      16:1-3 First and second bowl

The bowls are divine punishment of sinners.  The 1st bowl was poured on the earth and the 2nd one on the sea.

2.      16:4-9 Third and fourth bowl

The 3rd one was poured out on the rivers and springs.  The 4th one was poured out on the sun.

3.      16:10-16 Fifth and Sixth bowl

The 5th one was poured out on the throne of the beast, Rome and the 6th one on the Euphrates River.

4.      16:17-19 Seventh bowl

The 7th one was poured into the air causing a violent earthquake.

5.      16:19-21 Rome

Rome and the empire were destroyed.

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