Monday, August 14, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 17


Audio script

17/Revelation, Chapter Seventeen.

Revelation Chapter 17

1.      17:1-2 Great harlot

The harlot is Rome. The nations cooperated with her and were influenced by her power and wealth.

2.      17:3-6A Wild beast

It was the Roman empire.  The harlot drunk means the many Christians killed under Nero’s and Domitian’s persecutions.

3.      17:6B-8 Nero

There was a belief that the dead Nero would return to life to attack Rome.  The new Nero, Domitian, is destined for destruction.

4.      17:9-14 Seven Kings

The 7 emperors from 27 B.C. excluding Domitian, who is the 8th emperor.  The 10 horns represent 10 provincial rulers.

5.      17:15-18 Ten horns

The provincial governors will rise up against Rome and burn it.

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