Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 19


Audio script

19/Revelation, Chapter Nineteen.

Revelation Chapter 19

1.      19:1-4 Rejoicing in heaven

This tells us of God’s victory over Rome (Babylon) as divine judge and warrior.

2.      19:5-10 Marriage of the lamb

This symbolizes the union of the exalted Christ with the faithful who endured to the end.

3.      19:11-16 The 2nd coming of Christ

This passage is the appearance of the exalted Christ as judge of the world.

4.      19:17-18 Call to the banquet

The birds of the air are invited to feast on those killed in war.

5.      19:19-20 The final battle

Christ defeats the Roman empire (beast) who is punished (fiery pool) and the rest of the enemy is killed.

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