Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 20


Audio script

20/Revelation, Chapter Twenty.

Revelation Chapter 20

1.      20:1-3 Binding of satan

Satan is imprisoned for a long time (1000 years).  This represents the victory over satan by Christ.

2.      20:4-6 First judgment

The judges were faithful followers of Jesus.  They will reign with Christ for 1000 years.

3.      20:7-10 The release of satan

The devil will attack God’s people but God will destroy them with fire.  And the devil will be put into the pool of fire.

4.      20:11-12 Last judgment

One is judged by 

(i)   His name must be in the book of life;

(ii) One’s work recorded in the book of life

5.      20:13-15 Pool of fire

All the dead were judged by their deeds.  Those not in the book of life were thrown into hell, the pool of fire.

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