32A SUNDAY HOMILY, MATTHEW 25:1-13, November 12, 2023
A new lighthouse keeper was instructed to always have enough oil
available to keep the light of the lighthouse burning. He became friendly with the local fishermen
who often asked him to lend them some oil for their fishing boats so as not to
have to go into town to purchase the oil. One day he noticed the fishermen had gone and
their boats were safe on shore. Only
then did he realize that a storm was coming. He ran to see if there was enough oil
available only to find, to his great surprise, that there was none left. The storm came but there was no light to guide
the boats safely into port. Many boats
were destroyed. The lighthouse keeper
was not prepared causing much harm to others. It is important always to be prepared.
2. GOSPEL: MATTHEW 25:1-13
There were ten virgins who were waiting to welcome the bridegroom. Not knowing the exact time of his return, five prepared extra oil for their oil lamps while five did not prepare extra oil. When he finally arrived late into the night, only five who had prepared extra oil were able to greet him. The five who had not prepared extra oil were not able to greet him.
The five virgins who were prepared to welcome the bridegroom enjoyed the
wedding feast. Those five who were not
prepared were refused entry into the wedding feast.
It is important for us to be prepared in life whether it is preparing
for a meal, an exam, going to work, or on a journey. Here are three ways to be prepared as
disciples of Jesus.
i) Live a life of prayer giving daily thanks to God for his blessings,
praising him for his greatness, and asking him for help.
ii) Live a life of service by helping the poor, the sad, the lonely, and
anyone in need.
iii) Live a life caring for your health, avoiding excessive eating and drinking, and controlling the use of computer or mobile phone.
When we are prepared as disciples of Jesus, we will receive our reward
here on earth and in heaven. We will be
rewarded here on earth as we will be able to love God, our neighbor, and
ourselves. This will bring us happiness,
joy, and peace of heart. We will be
rewarded in heaven with eternal life by living in total happiness, with God
along with our loved ones who have also been faithful disciples of Jesus.
The lighthouse keeper was unprepared to keep the light shining during
the storm. Many ships, without the help of the light from the lighthouse, were
destroyed. There were five wise virgins
who had prepared enough oil for their oil lamps to greet the bridegroom in the
middle of the night. The other five
virgins, being unprepared to greet the bridegroom, were not welcomed into the
wedding feast. The disciples of Jesus
must be prepared to welcome him by living lives of prayer, service, and caring
for our physical and spiritual health. We
will be rewarded on earth with happiness, joy, and peace. We will be rewarded in heaven with eternal
life with God. Be prepared.