Friday, November 10, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 21


Audio script

21/Revelation, Chapter Twenty-one.

Revelation Chapter 21

1.      21:1-4 New heaven and earth

There will be a new heaven, earth and Jerusalem.  God will be with his faithful.

2.      21:5-8 The faithful and unfaithful

The faithful will be rewarded but the unfaithful will be punished.

3.     21:9-14 New Jerusalem

The church is the wife of the lamb.   There were 12 gates each with name of one of the 12 tribes.  

4.      21:15-21 Square city

The city is shaped like a gigantic cube, a symbol of perfection, 1500 miles.

5.      21:22-27 Inhabitants of the city

Only those will enter whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

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