Friday, November 10, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 22


Audio script

22/Revelation, Chapter Twenty-two.

Revelation Chapter 22

1.      22:1-5 The river and tree of life

The river nourishes the tree of life whose leaves serve as medicine (isolated sayings).

2.      22:6-7 The words are trustworthy

God sent his angel whose words are trustworthy as they tell of what will happen soon.

3.      22:8-13 What John heard and saw

John heard and saw what was written.  He is not to worship angels but only God.

4.      22:14-15 Inhabitants of the city

The martyrs who have washed their robes are welcomed into the city.  Sinners are excluded.

5.      22:18-19 Don’t change the book

Anyone who adds to or takes away from the book will be punished by God.

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