Saturday, January 20, 2024

Homily - 3B Sunday homily (21 January 2024) Come follow Me


3B Sunday Homily, Mark 1:14-20, January 21, 2024 


A FAMOUS General, John, was ordered to take charge of an army that was losing the war.  When the tired and discouraged soldiers heard who was to be their new general, their attitude changed completely.  It went from hopelessness to hope, from discouragement to encouragement, and from a sense of defeat to a sense of victory.  Under General John’s command, the army eventually won the war.  (This is a true story of General McClellan, who during the American Civil War, eventually helped lead the North to victory over the South).


2. GOSPEL, MARK 1:14-20


i) Jesus saw ordinary fishermen, Simon, Andrew, James and John

and invited them to come after him.  He gave them a call.

ii) He gave them a purpose.  Jesus wanted them to help him by becoming fishers of men. 


i) They were busy at their work casting their nets into the sea and mending their nets.  Despite this, they immediately abandoned their nets. 

ii) They followed Jesus not knowing how to do this work, or would they even like it, or would they be successful at it.  They had faith in Jesus as their leader.




You may ask when did Jesus call us to follow him.  Jesus called us at our baptism to follow him.  Not only is baptism a great blessing by making us children of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus with the Holy Spirit as our guide, but it also makes us members of the Church, the family of God.  This is a great responsibility.  Jesus expects us to help him by working along with him to spread the gospel, the good news, that he loves all men and wants all men to follow him. 


We must follow the example of the fishermen by doing our best to help Jesus.  We remember that Jesus wants us to work along with him to spread the good news.  Here are two suggestions to help us.

i) We must follow the example of Jesus by being kind and caring when dealing with people.    People are more willing to listen when they are treated kindly. 

ii) We must tell people of some of the advantages of following Jesus. They are:

a) Jesus brings us peace and happiness.

b) He helps us to know what is right and what is wrong.

c) He gives us strength to do what is right.

d) He comforts us during our difficulties.

e) He gives us eternal life.

People need the help of Jesus even though they do not know there is such a person as Jesus. 



Just as the soldiers needed an inspiring general to lead them to victory, too, did the fishermen need Jesus as their leader.  They immediately responded to the invitation to follow Jesus and work along with him.  At baptism, Jesus invited us to follow him and to work along with him sharing the good news that God loves them.  Today, Jesus again calls us to work along with him.  We do this by being kind toward others and by letting people know the blessings that Jesus gives to those who believe in him.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Homily - 2B Sunday homily (14 January 2024) We have found Jesus the Messiah


2B SUNDAY HOMILY, JOHN 1:35-42, JANUARY 14, 2024 


The superior of a monastery went to a wise man for advice.  His monastery was once very famous and flourishing with vocations.  People from all over the world went there to pray.  However, this has all changed with fewer vocations and fewer people going there.  The superior asked if it was some sin of theirs that caused this.  The wise men said it was because of the sin of ignorance.  One of their members in disguise was the Messiah, and they were ignorant of this.  The superior returned to the monastery with the amazing news that the Messiah was one of their members in disguise.  Could it be Brother Cook?  Brother Gardener?  Brother Cleaner?  One thing was certain: If the Messiah was there in disguise was it not likely that they would recognize him.  So, they treated each other with respect and consideration.  The result was that the atmosphere in the monastery was full of joy.  Many came to pray and to seek admission as the monastery was filled with the spirit of love.


2. GOSPEL, JOHN 1:35-42


i) John the Baptist, when he saw Jesus walking by, informed Andrew that Jesus was the Messiah, the Lamb of God.

ii) Andrew immediately followed Jesus and stayed with him. 


i) Andrew informed his brother Peter about the good news that he had found the Messiah.

ii) He then brought Peter to meet Jesus who welcomed him.




When we have found a lost house key, or a lost ID card, or a lost sum of money, we are overjoyed as these are important for our daily living.  We are blessed as we have found Jesus who is the source of our joy, peace, and happiness.  He is the light of the world helping us to know right from wrong, what is important and not so important, and what is good and what is harmful for our soul.  He is the bread of life nourishing us with the Eucharist and his word.  He is the living water comforting us as we meet troubles and failures in our life’s difficult journey. 


We have the opportunity, ability, and responsibility to tell others about Jesus.  They, too, are in need of joy, peace, and happiness.  Here are three suggestions to help others find Jesus. 

i) Pray daily for one friend or relative who is not baptized or for a baptized person who has left Christ.

ii) Be kind, patient, and forgiving to others. 

iii) Invite a relative, a friend, or neighbor to church or to study a catechism class.



The monastery was changed when the monks knew that the Messiah was among them.  Andrew found Jesus and brought his brother Peter to Jesus.  We have found Jesus, and we must bring others to know Jesus.  Jesus brings joy, peace and happiness.  He will also do the same for others whom we bring to him.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Homily - 1B Epiphany of the Lord (07 January 2024) Helping others to find Jesus


EPIPHANY OF THE LORD - Sunday Homily, Matthew 2:1-12, January 7, 2024 


One day John’s family asked me to go to the hospital to anoint him as John was very sick.  He was in Room 1 on the first floor.  Several weeks later around 8PM, I received a call from the family asking me to visit John as he was in a critical condition.  I immediately went to the hospital looking for John in Room 1 on the first floor.  To my great surprise, he was not there.  The nurse told me via an intercom to try the tenth floor.  I went to Room 1 on the tenth floor to discover it was a baby’s ward.  I was now lost with no phone and no family contact number.  Then my “star” appeared in the form of a nurse.  The nurse in the baby’s ward was willing to help me.  She guessed he was in Block C and we were in Block A.  She asked for permission to go through Block B to get to Block C where I finally found John. Thanks to her kindness.  She was my “star” leading me to my goal.



A) THE MAGI: The Magi, wise men from the East, were looking for the newborn king of the Jews.  They needed help to find the new king. 

B) THE STAR: “They saw his star and wanted to do him homage.”  The star led them to Bethlehem where they found the new born king of the Jews, Jesus.



A) MODERN MAGI: There are many people searching for happiness, peace, a purpose in life and how to live a meaningful life.  Though they may not be aware of it, they are searching for God who alone can give them the desires of their heart. 

B) MODERN STARS: People need help to find God just as the Magi needed help to find Jesus, and I needed the help of a nurse to find John.  God has sent us to be like stars leading people to Jesus.  We do this by our kindness towards others, by our willingness to help them, and the example of living a good life.  We have the power and responsibility to lead others to Jesus.



Just as I needed a star to help me find John and the Magi needed the help of a star to find Jesus, so too, do those looking for peace, joy and happiness need help in their search for these precious gifts.  We are modern stars helping by leading them to Jesus who alone can give them peace, joy, and happiness.

Homily - 01 January 2024 homily (01 January 2024) Mary, the Mother of God, our Mother and Model

MARY, THE MOTHER OF GOD, Luke 2:16-21, January 1, 2024

1) 1)   STORY

Fulton was a famous editor but did not believe in God.  His family was in serious trouble, and he needed help but did not know where to get this help.  One day, he passed a church, stopped, looked at it, and decided to enter.  He sat for a while, then got up and walked over to the Chapel of Our Lady.  He went inside, knelt down and prayed, “Mary, if you are really here, please help me.”  At that moment, there began a great change in his life. The change ended in his becoming a deeply committed Catholic.  Mary came to his aid.

2) GOSPEL: LUKE 2:16-21

A) THE SHEPHERDS AT THE MANGER.  There are three things the shepherds did.

i. They went to Bethlehem searching for Jesus.

ii. They told others about Jesus.

iii. They glorified and praised God for all they had seen and heard.

B) MARY, THE MOTHER OF GOD.  Mary did two things.

i. She kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.  Jesus was the center of her life.

ii. She was obedient.  Sat the circumcision, she named her son, Jesus, the name given him by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.



i. We must continue to meet Jesus in our daily prayers, when we attend MASS, hear his word, and receive the Eucharist.

ii. We must tell others about Jesus by our words and actions.

iii. We must continue to praise and glorify God for giving us the gift of Jesus, our savior and King.


i. Mary is the mother of Jesus.  She loved him, cared for him, and taught him many things.  Mary is also our mother who loves us and cares for us.

ii. In a world full of distractions, she helps us make Jesus the center of our lives.

iii. She helps us to be obedient to Jesus and to resist the many worldly temptations which lead us into sin.  As we begin this new year, God has given us Mary as our mother and model.  We must stay close to Mary throughout the year.


Fulton, in his hour of great need, found Mary who came to his rescue.  The shepherds sought the baby Jesus, shared the good news with others, and praised and glorified God for this great gift of a savior.  We must do the same.  Mary kept Jesus as the center of her life and was obedient to the word of God.  As we begin a new year, God has given us Mary as our mother and model.  We must stay close to Mary who will always keep us close to Jesus, our savior and King.

1C Lent Sunday homily - Jesus rejects temptations (9 March 2025)

  1C LENT SUNDAY HOMILY, LUKE 4:1-13 MARCH 9, 2025 1. STORY There was a king who was seriously ill.   He commanded all the beautiful g...