Sunday, January 7, 2024

Homily - 01 January 2024 homily (01 January 2024) Mary, the Mother of God, our Mother and Model

MARY, THE MOTHER OF GOD, Luke 2:16-21, January 1, 2024

1) 1)   STORY

Fulton was a famous editor but did not believe in God.  His family was in serious trouble, and he needed help but did not know where to get this help.  One day, he passed a church, stopped, looked at it, and decided to enter.  He sat for a while, then got up and walked over to the Chapel of Our Lady.  He went inside, knelt down and prayed, “Mary, if you are really here, please help me.”  At that moment, there began a great change in his life. The change ended in his becoming a deeply committed Catholic.  Mary came to his aid.

2) GOSPEL: LUKE 2:16-21

A) THE SHEPHERDS AT THE MANGER.  There are three things the shepherds did.

i. They went to Bethlehem searching for Jesus.

ii. They told others about Jesus.

iii. They glorified and praised God for all they had seen and heard.

B) MARY, THE MOTHER OF GOD.  Mary did two things.

i. She kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.  Jesus was the center of her life.

ii. She was obedient.  Sat the circumcision, she named her son, Jesus, the name given him by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.



i. We must continue to meet Jesus in our daily prayers, when we attend MASS, hear his word, and receive the Eucharist.

ii. We must tell others about Jesus by our words and actions.

iii. We must continue to praise and glorify God for giving us the gift of Jesus, our savior and King.


i. Mary is the mother of Jesus.  She loved him, cared for him, and taught him many things.  Mary is also our mother who loves us and cares for us.

ii. In a world full of distractions, she helps us make Jesus the center of our lives.

iii. She helps us to be obedient to Jesus and to resist the many worldly temptations which lead us into sin.  As we begin this new year, God has given us Mary as our mother and model.  We must stay close to Mary throughout the year.


Fulton, in his hour of great need, found Mary who came to his rescue.  The shepherds sought the baby Jesus, shared the good news with others, and praised and glorified God for this great gift of a savior.  We must do the same.  Mary kept Jesus as the center of her life and was obedient to the word of God.  As we begin a new year, God has given us Mary as our mother and model.  We must stay close to Mary who will always keep us close to Jesus, our savior and King.

2C Sunday homily - Water changed into wine (19 January 2025)

  2C SUNDAY HOMILY, JOHN 2:1-11, JANUARY 19, 2025 1. STORY One day while sitting at a well, John overheard three mothers speaking abou...