Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Video Jesus 3(1) The Old Testament, Creation





GOD CREATED THE WORLD. The first sentence in the bible states that God created the world. The bible then describes how God accomplished this. This is not a scientific explanation but a simple and easy way for the ordinary person to understand and remember. In the first three days of creation, there was a separation of light from darkness, from the sky and the earth, and the separation of the water and land. The next three days were days of decoration. The sky was decorated with the sun, moon and stars. The sky and water were decorated by birds and fish. The earth was decorated with animals and people. God rested on the seventh day.


THE FIRST THREE DAYS. The first three days were days of separation. On the first day when all was in darkness, he created light. He separated the light and darkness, calling the light day and the darkness night. On the second day, God created a dome in the sky to separate the water above the dome from the water below the dome and named the dome sky. On the third day, he separated the water from the land calling the land earth and the water sea. He commanded the earth to produce all kinds of plants. God saw all that he made was good.


THE FOLLOWING THREE DAYS. The following three days God decorated his creation. On the fourth day God put the sun, creating daylight and the moon and stars creating night in the sky. On the fifth day God created fish for the seas and oceans and birds for the sky. On the sixth day God created the animals which inhabited the earth and finally God created human beings. He created them male and female and commanded them to create children. On the seventh day, God rested and was pleased with his creation for all was good.   

Homily - 27B Sunday homily (06 October 2024) God created marriage

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